Tatsumaki Jigoku, also known as the "Geyser Hell," is a popular tourist attraction located in Beppu, Japan. This natural hot spring geyser erupts every 30-40 minutes, shooting hot water up to 30 meters high.
The admission fee for Tatsumaki Jigoku is 400 yen (approximately $3.75 USD) for adults and 300 yen (approximately $2.80 USD) for children. The attraction is open daily from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Unfortunately, there is no official website available for Tatsumaki Jigoku. However, visitors can find more information about the attraction from travel guide websites or tourism bureaus.
In the surrounding area, visitors can also explore other hot springs and geysers, such as the nearby Oniyama Jigoku and Umi Jigoku. Oniyama Jigoku is a "demon" hot spring featuring crocodiles and other animals, while Umi Jigoku is a "sea" hot spring with bright blue waters. Both attractions are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and have admission fees of 400 yen (approximately $3.75 USD) for adults and 300 yen (approximately $2.80 USD) for children.
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